
Fuel Guide


It is important to know which fuel is right for the right kitchen and occasion to make cooking smooth and easy.


Our multifuel stoves can run on several different fuels, from gas to kerosene and when needs must in an emergency – even aviation fuel (our OmniFuel and OmniLite Ti even run on diesel if required). However, the fuel that is most suitable depends on more than one factor, and depending on where in the world you find yourself, you may find certain types of fuel difficult to get hold of.

We list the most common fuel types below together with the advantages and disadvantages of each and things to take into consideration.


Advantages: High energy contentent, i.e. in relation to heat output by weight. Gas in a gas cartridge is compressed to liquid form in a ratio of 250:1 to its original volume. Gas is preferable at extreme altitudes as it still combusts well despite the shortage of oxygen. Added to which, our gas cartridges contain an optimum mixture for highest reliability, broadest application area and lowest weight. Our gas mixture consists of propane, iso-butane and butane. Gas is a simple and easy choice. No pumping or priming is required and combustion is completely odourless and soot-free. In most countries, you can return gas containers when you buy new ones. Empty containers can also be recycled for their metal.

Disadvantages:Gas performs poorly in extreme cold. You are not allowed to take gas cartridges on board aircraft.


Advantages: This type of fuel is purer than ordinary car petrol. It is often in paint shops and leisure and outdoor pursuits stores. Although ordinary petrol is easier to get hold off, it contains a number of hazardous substances and should only be used if you cannot source white gasoline (lead free petrol is the least harmful of the various vehicle fuels). Petrol is the most readily combustible of all liquid fuels and performs excellently in cold conditions.

Disadvantages: Lower energy content than our gas cartridges. Always take all necessary precautions when handling petrol, as all types are extremely flammable. Petrol also requires pumping and pre-heating


Advantage: It offers the same energy content as petrol but is more readily available in certain locations.

Disadvantages: Pumping and pre-heating required. The fuel is not as clean as gas and white gasoline. Which means the stove will require more maintenance if you use kerosene, as it can become clogged with soot. Gives off a bad odour while combustion.


Advantage: Has an equivalent energy content as kerosene and availability is very good.

Disadvantages: The quality can vary; depending on which part of the world you are in. The stove will require more maintenance compared with using kerosene and this can be quite comprehensive, depending on the diesel quality. Gives off a strong odour during combustion. Diesel should be used as an emergency fuel

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